washing and rinsing中文什么意思

发音:   用"washing and rinsing"造句
  • washing:    n. 1.洗涤;〔集合词〕需要洗涤的 ...
  • rinsing:    n. 〔常用复数〕 1.(冲洗,漂清 ...
  • acid rinsing:    酸水洗涤
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  1. Screens , design sheds so 11 more easlly than flat screens , reduces frequency of cleaning - easy to empty large soil particles and not easy to jam wash and rinse arms nozzles
  2. Semi - automatic commercial washing machine is a equipment for washing fabrics with washing and rinsing functions . it is suitable for washing textiles in hotel , hospital , school and railway , apparel , printing dyeing industries
  3. As the surface deteriorates , water in any form , dew , humidity , rain , wash and rinse water , as well as other microscopic destructive elements such as acids and alkali substances , enter into the microscopic pores , fissures , cracks and other surface imperfections and begin to attack , or breakdown the molecules that make up your car ' s paint


  1. washing and disinfecting machine 什么意思
  2. washing and disinfection car 什么意思
  3. washing and drying of wool 什么意思
  4. washing and dyeing machine 什么意思
  5. washing and exaggerated immersion tests 什么意思
  6. washing and screening plant 什么意思
  7. washing apparatus 什么意思
  8. washing appliance 什么意思
  9. washing assisant 什么意思
  10. washing assistant 什么意思


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